Dynamics CRM - Dynamics NAV integration con Connect Bridge
Dynamics CRM and Dynamics NAV integration to boost your productivity and efficiency
- Integration between Dynamics CRM and Dynamics NAV allows for a greater ROI from your Dynamics solutions as well as it improves internal efficiencies and reduces data duplication.
- Integration of the two systems enables your teams to work across the applications and receive consistent and correct customer data (for example enabling Sales department, who have access to Dynamics CRM, to see live and real-time orders data imported from Dynamics NAV).
Simply put, by integrating both systems you will be able to manage data across these systems by tracking changes and updates, automating tasks and facilitating the reporting.
Todo esto y más fue posible gracias a la Plataforma de integración Connect Bridge.
Get the best out of your CRM and ERP software, and choose for Connect Bridge as your ultimate solution.
Integration of the systems continuously synchronizes data from one system to another with very ease, so your employees can focus on Sales and Marketing core processes.
As all the data is stored in both systems at all time, all departments can benefit from the visibility and use it for accurate planning and sales processes.
The architecture of Connect Bridge is fairly straightforward, yet groundbreaking. It accepts simple Create, Read, Update and Delete (CRUD) SQL queries through standard ODBC, JDBC and Web Services drivers.
These queries are then translated to standard API calls native to the target system. Thus, as we do not work with the underlying database directly, the integrity of data is ensured.
Connect Bridge Platform eliminates hours of coding work and ensures faster, easier and more secure development of the sync between Dynamics NAV and Dynamics CRM, saving your IT budget and letting productivity thrive.
Independientemente de dónde residan sus datos, podemos ayudarle a liberar su valor, para que pueda tomar decisiones más informadas con mayor rapidez. Con más de 400 conectores para los principales sistemas empresariales, como SharePoint, Exchange, Office 365, Microsoft Dynamics CRM, SugarCRM y Microsoft Dynamics NAV, puede tener toda la información clave al alcance de la mano.
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