SharePoint - Dropbox integration
avec Connect Bridge

How to facilitate deeper integration between Dropbox and SharePoint to improve business workflows?

  • Combination of SharePoint and Dropbox provides an exceptional document storage and collaboration platform, and automatic synchronization between both of them ensures that a change made in one place will be immediately reflected in all connected locations.
  • In some cases integration is quite helpful when your company is using Dropbox's service, but is not ready to step away from using SharePoint, as it provides a higher level of security and collaboration then Dropbox.
  • Synchronization of both systems provides more than just copying files and storing them: it closes the gap between those who opt for known convenient Dropbox and IT-praised secure SharePoint.

Enable the powerful integration between Dropbox and SharePoint, and synchronize them in real-time, bi-directional automatic way with Plate-forme d'intégration Connect Bridge.

Tirez le meilleur parti de votre logiciel et choisissez la Connect Bridge comme plate-forme d'intégration.

L'intégration de Dropbox automatise les processus, tels que la recherche, le téléchargement, la restauration ou le déplacement des fichiers. Your possibilities of collaborating and sharing will be truly expanded by doing synchronization, backup and integration with SharePoint.

intégration Connect Bridge permet d'accéder à vos fichiers à tout moment et en tout lieu, qu'ils soient déployés sur votre propre serveur ou sur notre SaaS, entre plus de 30 connecteurs différents.

  • Commencez en quelques minutes
  • Restez dans votre langage de programmation
  • Profitez de notre assistance technique gratuite

With Connect Bridge you will stay in your own software development environment that you are familiar with, maintaining full control over data and user activity.  And most of all you will know that your data is secure.

Connect Bridge integration is an easy and straightforward to use application to integrate Sharepoint and Dropbox, together with other 30 connectors. It is fully customizable and gives you full control over which attributes and documents to sync and how.
Commencez à vous connecter à/de toutes vos applications professionnelles avec une seule plateforme. Essayez-le gratuitement pendant 15 jours.

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