Dynamics CRM – SharePoint integration
con Connect Bridge

How can the integration of Dynamics CRM and SharePoint improve your business infrastructure and increase user adoption?

  • Essential customer records are stored and deployed in various CRM and storage systems, and are gathered by different teams that work in different platforms. While companies such as Microsoft offer solutions ready for general use, most likely the systems will still require customization at integration point in order for the systems to be adapted by users in most efficient way.
  • Integration of Dynamics CRM and SharePoint not only brings data and processes together, but provides you with better collaboration and more security for your data and documents.

Avoid mundane administrative tasks and leverage more efficiency from both CRM and SharePoint by combining the data in a synchronized, bi-directional and live manner.

Tutto questo e altro ancora è possibile con il Piattaforma di integrazione Connect Bridge.

Se siete alla ricerca di informazioni in tempo reale e costantemente aggiornate, Connect Bridge è la soluzione definitiva.

Sales and marketing teams know the benefits of combining Dynamics CRM and SharePoint for managing all customer-related information. Essentially CRM systems are not designed to store documents, and that's where safe and secure SharePoint comes in play.

What can integration of Dynamics CRM with SharePoint bring you and your company?

  • Less storage costs (price per GB in CRM compared with price per GB in SharePoint)
  • Non-CRM users can also view and collaborate on documents stored in CRM
  • Advanced search functionality

Qui è dove Piattaforma di integrazione Connect Bridge comes into play.

integrazioneIntegration with Connect Bridge is an easy and straightforward to use application to integrate SharePoint and Dynamics CRM, together with other 30 connectors. It is fully customizable and gives you full control over which attributes and documents to sync and how.

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  • Rimanete nel vostro linguaggio di programmazione
  • Usufruite del nostro supporto tecnico gratuito

Customize the integration according to your needs and extend your Dynamics CRM and SharePoint functionalities.

The Connect Bridge integration platform allows you to integrate end systems with your solutions in a matter of hours, instantly turning you into an integration expert. Provatelo gratuitamente per 15 giorni.

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