Self-hosted subscription pricing

Truth Enforcer for SharePoint

Run the service on your on-premises or own cloud servers. One-year rental plan, paid in advance

Base plan


Extra seals packages

10 000 Seals

$0.02 / per seal

total price $200

100 000 Seal

$0.01 / per seal

total price $1 000

1 000 000 Seals

$0.009 / per seal

total price $9 000

Prices listed below are for a 12-Months Subscription

All updates and maintenance included


Up to 100 users

$ 400
per month

1000 Seals
included per month


Up to 500 users

$ 600
per month

2000 Seals
included per month


Up to 2000 users

$ 1000
per month

5000 Seals
included per month


2001+ Users

Extra seals - packages

1 000

$ 0.04
per seal

10 000

$ 0.03
per seal

100 000

$ 0.02
per seal

1 000 000

$ 0.01
per seal