
3 Tips to Improve Document Management and Security for Microsoft Dynamics 365

Ana NetoProducts and Solutions Leave a Comment

If you work with Microsoft Dynamics 365, you end up having it as part of your daily routine and your infrastructure. All kinds of valuable information are in there. When you come to think of it, you realize just how crucial Dynamics is for you and your company.

Despite that, some important aspects are often overlooked. For example, have you noticed the number of documents and attachments that end up in Dynamics over time? Dynamics is not a document management system, it is not a storage system, but the simple fact that it handles crucial aspects of your organization, such as the Customer Engagement, seems to be enough to make the documents go there.

What happens is that the growing number of documents can be a bit of a problem. There is no document management for Dynamics, so you start getting the feeling that things are increasingly difficult to find.

Didn’t that customer send in a document to someone in the sales team?

Is this the correct version of the document?

You end up scrolling up and down the timeline looking for Dynamics 365 email attachments or a specific document version – not the best for team productivity. Surprisingly (or not), it is also not the best for Dynamics performance.

What can you do about it? How about moving your documents where they belong in the first place: a Document Management System (DMS)? Naturally, if you are talking about a DMS, the spotlight immediately goes to Microsoft SharePoint:

  • There is an out-of-the-box integration with Dynamics 365 provided by Microsoft itself
  • Team collaboration features make your team’s productivity grow
  • Version control helps you stay on top of the document’s history

Setting up the integration between Microsoft SharePoint and Microsoft Dynamics is straightforward, and if you need step-by-step instructions, you can check out this video tutorial.

Nonetheless, even straightforward and simple things have their little secrets, and, at Connecting Software, we have become experts at those.

Here is a summary of our tips for Dynamics’ users, with a full explanation in the sections below:

  1. Understanding SharePoint permissions is essential, especially being aware that having an integration with Dynamics does NOT mean your Dynamics privileges will be mapped out into SharePoint permissions
  2. If it is email attachments from tracked emails that are flooding your Dynamics 365, then a specific attachment management solution is needed
  3. If you are worried about making those SharePoint documents tamperproof and maintaining regulation compliance (for example, GDPR compliance), there are digital seal technologies that use Blockchain technology, and that can help

Tip #1 – Beware of the permissions for your Dynamics 365 documents in SharePoint

The problem:  With the standard integration between Dynamics and SharePoint, everyone will have permissions to see all documents on the SharePoint side. The integration ignores what privileges you have set on the Dynamics side, and, for that reason, it can be dangerous.

The solution: Using CB Dynamics 365 to SharePoint Permissions Replicator you can automatically replicate all Dynamics privileges to SharePoint permissions. This solution runs in the background, ensuring the permissions are always correct. It works smoothly, even if the privileges change, if you remove or add team members from groups, or do any other relevant change you can think of. CB Dynamics 365 to SharePoint Permissions Replicator is a tried-and-tested solution with thousands of users across the globe.

Protect your Dynamics documents in SharePoint - the solution

Tip #2 – Place your Dynamics 365 email attachments somewhere else

The problem:  Storage space in Dynamics 365 is expensive, and having too many attachments in Dynamics can affect its performance. Nonetheless, it is very convenient (some would even say necessary) to have the attachments available in Dynamics.

The solution: Using CB Dynamics 365 Seamless Attachment Extractor you can get the attachments to SharePoint, Azure Blob or Azure Storage automatically and leave a link in its place. This means you get the best of both worlds. The attachment is available where it should be and stored where it should be. It is very important to note that CB Dynamics 365 Seamless Attachment Extractor does not have your documents leave your CRM and storage systems, unlike some solutions on the market. There is no external service in-between – this is crucial for GDPR compliance and, in general, if you have sensitive data.

Tip #3 – Use state-of-the-art technology to avoid file tampering

The problem:  You are not sure you can trust your own files – what if someone manipulated them? You are worried and wish there was a way to be sure the files are tamperproof.

The solution: You can use modern Blockchain technology to seal your files and guarantee no one as tampered with them. With Truth Enforcer, you can trust your own documents – no kind of manipulation will go undetected. The sealing can be done automatically for all documents and the verification can be done inside or outside your organization. Having verification available for everyone ensures trust in your documents, not only for everyone within the organization, but for all stakeholders.


We have discussed three solutions in this article, and we can say that they are really a powerful combo. We like to call them the Document and Security Package for Dynamics’ users:

  1. CB Dynamics 365 to SharePoint Permissions Replicator to solve the permissions problem
  2. CB Dynamics 365 Seamless Attachment Extractor to store attachments in the right location
  3. Truth Enforcer to make your documents tamperproof

Talk with our experts if you want to see how all this can work for you. They will be more than happy to answer any questions you might have or show you on quick call how all this can affect you and your organization.

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    About the autor

    Ana Neto

    By Ana Neto, technical advisor at Connecting Software.

    “I work at Connecting Software as a technical advisor. I am a software engineer since 1997, and I love integration solutions that make your life easier.

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